តើធ្វើដូចម្តេចដើម្បី: ជា Root និងដំឡើង CWM / TWRP ការងើបឡើងវិញនៅលើទូរស័ព្ទ Sony Xperia Z កំពុងរត់ 10.7.A.0.228 កម្មវិធីបង្កប់

Root And Install CWM/TWRP Recovery On Sony’s Xperia Z

Sony has released a new update for their Xperia Z based on build number 10.7.A.0.228.  This update is based on Android 5.1.1 Lollipop and has some bug fixes.

If you have installed this update, or are planning to install this update, you will find that you will lose root access.  In this post, we are going to show you how you can gain or regain root access after installing this update.  We are also going to show you how to install CWM/TWRP recovery.

សម្គាល់ៈវិធីសាស្រ្តដែលត្រូវការដើម្បីទាញយកមកវិញនូវប្រូមូសិននិងរ៉ូបូតដើម្បីចាក់ទូរស័ព្ទអ្នកអាចបណ្តាលឱ្យទូរស័ព្ទរបស់អ្នកខូច។ ចាក់ឬសឧបករណ៍របស់អ្នកក៏នឹងចាត់ទុកជាមោឃៈនូវការធានាហើយវានឹងលែងមានសិទ្ធិទទួលសេវាឧបករណ៍ឥតគិតថ្លៃពីអ្នកផលិតឬអ្នកផ្តល់ការធានា។ ទទួលខុសត្រូវនិងចងចាំចំណុចទាំងនេះមុនពេលអ្នកសំរេចចិត្តបន្តទទួលខុសត្រូវដោយខ្លួនឯង។ ក្នុងករណីមានបញ្ហាកើតឡើងយើងឬអ្នកផលិតឧបករណ៍មិនត្រូវទទួលខុសត្រូវឡើយ។


Install CWM/TWRP Recovery and Root Xperia Z 10.7.A.0.228 Firmware

  1. បន្ទាបទៅ .283 កម្មវិធីបង្កប់និងឫសវា

Note: If you previously had a custom recovery installed on your phone, you can skip the downgrading and just flash the pre-rooted .228 firmware directly onto your phone.

  1. If you had previously updated your phone to Android 5.1.1 Lollipop you will need to downgrade it to KitKat OS and root it before we continue.
  2. Install .283 firmware.
  3. Root ឧបករណ៍។
  4. បើកការកែកំហុសយូអេសប៊ី។
  5. ដំឡើង XZ Dual Recovery ។
  6. Download the latest installer for XZ Dual Recovery for the Xperia Z (Z-lockeddualrecovery2.8.xx-RELEASE.installer.zip)
  7. Use an OEM data cable to connect your phone to a PC.
  8. Run install.bat.
  9. ការងើបឡើងវិញតាមតម្រូវការនឹងត្រូវបានដំឡើង។
  10. Make A Pre-Rooted Flashable Firmware For 10.7.A.0.228 FTF
  11. Use Xperifirm to download the latest 10.7.A.0.228 FTF file.
  12. Create a pre-rooted flashable firmware or download ready-made pre-rooted firmware for your specific device from this link: C6603 បុរេឫសគល់ 10.7.A.0.228 ទាញយកកម្មវិធីបង្កប់
  13. Copy the pre-rooted firmware file to either the external or internal storage of your device.
  14. Root and Install Recovery on An Xperia Z Running C6603/C6602 5.1.1 10.7.A.0.228 Lollipop Firmware
  15. បិទទូរស័ព្ទរបស់អ្នក។
  16. បើកវាឡើងវិញ។
  17. Press the volume up or down buttons to enter recovery.
    • If you are in TWRP recovery, tap install and then select the pre-rooted firmware file. When you have selected the file, swipe your finger left to right on the bottom to flash the file.  Reboot the device.
    • If you are in CWM recovery, select install zip. Choose the pre-rooted firmware file.  Select yes and the file will flash
  18. Verify that you have root access with កម្មវិធីត្រួតពិនិត្យជា root ។

Have you rooted and installed recovery on your Xperia Z?



[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs2iPY0J4ZA[/embedyt]



  1. Patrice G ខែមេសា 2, 2021 ឆ្លើយតប


កំហុស: មាតិកាត្រូវបានការពារ !!